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Mika is a raw prospect but one with a lot of potentials, he is 6’4 235 and has the build combined with good length to be an effective End or Rush player. He gets after the ball, creating turnovers for his team and has a good sense of timing of when to attack the QBs throwing motion. His pass rush selection is limited to a “push & pull” and a bullrush so if he were to make the jump to become an elite rusher, he would have to develop more creative techniques to get around more experienced players. Another improvement would be the aggression on the first contact with the O line, he has this when he is tackling the ball carrier but his burst into the blocker is hesitant. I like the angles he takes when he is in the backfield or engaged on double-team blocks, he cuts off the QB or RBs lanes forcing them into other players or he can take them on himself where he is more than capable of wrapping up and completing the tackle. - M.Bressington